Entry Level Skills

The child needs to be able to accomplish these entry level skills as they enter or within the first few weeks.
- Follow one direction first time it is given.
- Use toilet on suggestion (each time) and try to pull up own pants – not training pants.(Please Note: We cannot accept children who are not potty trained.)
- Sit for 3 min. quietly and listen to a story without interrupting those around him/her with actions or words.
- Use words to make independent choices.
- Use words to get needs met – must be verbal enough to tell teacher when s/he is hurt, hungry, tired, etc.
- Use kind words and touches with friends.
- Keeps things out of mouth.
- Is comfortable leaving pacifier, blanket, toys, dolls, etc. at home or in the car. *Please note that AMS is not responsible for the safekeeping of nap lovies. This should be considered when choosing which one to bring as we do not want anything happening to one that may be extra special to the child.
- Is comfortable separating from the parent (Parent is ready to encourage them to be independent.)
- Is able to rest peacefully or sleep on their cot for 30 minutes during nap time.
Q:What ages do you accept?
A:The Asheville Montessori School offers year-round programs for ages 3 to 6. We do have the following entry level skills to help the new child be successful in the classroom.
Q:What hours and days are available for my child? What is your school calendar?
A:Our hours are 7:45 to 5:00. The half day and full day hours are 8:15 to noon and 8:15 to 3:00 respectively. Children attend either 3 or 5 days a week depending upon the child’s age and space availability. For a current academic school calendar, click here.
Q:How can I enroll my child? What is the next step?
A:To pursue enrollment at Asheville Montessori School, you should first schedule an appointment to visit the school. At that time, you may pick up an enrollment packet. Our director will walk you through the enrollment process, and answer any questions that arise. You may also request a tour on our web site.
Q:How much does it cost?
A:The cost varies depending on the number of hours and days that your child attends. Our tuition schedule is calculated on an annual basis with a monthly payment plan available. Please check out web site for the current tuition schedule. Also, there is a yearly registration fee and a deposit in order to secure your child’s place. The cost for extended care and materials is in addition to the monthly tuition.
Asheville Montessori School has different schedule options that reflect our parents needs.
There are half day options, ending at 12:00 pm, and full day options, ending at 2:45 pm, and our extended care until 5:00 pm.
Upon acceptance, a $100 registration fee and a $425 deposit is due to hold the student’s place. The $100 registration fee is a one time fee for all new students. The $425 deposit is applied toward the yearly tuition.
Annual Tuition
3 days per week
- Full day (8:15 AM – 2:45 PM) – $8,600
5 days per week
- Mornings (8:15 AM 12:00 PM) – $8,000
- Full day (8:15 AM – 2:45 PM) – $11,300
Monthly Tuition
(after deposit of $425 has been paid)
3 days per week
- Full day – $817.50/month
5 days per week
- Mornings – $757.50/month
- Full day – $1087.50/month
Other Fees
Aftercare: 3:00 – 5:001,2
- 5 days/week – $250
- 3 days/week – $160
- Drop in – $8.50/hour
Beforecare: 7:45 am – 8:15 am1,2
- 5 mornings/week – $80
- Drop in – $5/morning
Materials Fee (Due Aug. 1)
- Kindergarten $75/year
- 4-year old $50/year
Annual Student Fee (Due Aug. 1)
- $50/year
Late Enrollment Fee (enrollment after Sept. 16, 2024)
- $250
1 Aftercare does not require an annual commitment and is paid monthly in advance from Aug. 1 to May 1. If space allows, parents who need occasional and/or emergency aftercare/earlycare hours will be billed at the end of the month at $8.50/hour for aftercare and $5.00/morning for earlycare.
2 Aftercare and Earlycare hours are not prorated.
Payment Options

Please Note: Tuition payments can be made via the Brightwheel app or by check.
Early Bird Option – Full tuition paid by May 2,2024, by check will receive a 6% discount less deposit.
Semester Option – Tuition paid by check in two equal payments – the first paid by August 1, 2024, and the second paid by December 15, 2024, will receive a 4% discount less deposit.
Monthly Option – The remaining tuition will be
divided into ten equal installments due the first of each month, beginning Aug. 1, 2024, and ending May 1, 2025.
Family discounts: First child pays full tuition. There is a 6% reduction for siblings (excludes enrichment care, and all prepaid fees – Deposit, Registration, Materials, & Student Fees.)
Tuition is for the 2024-2025 school year only. Arrival time is 8:15 to 8:45, departure time is 11:45 – 12:00 for half day students and 2:45 – 3:00 for full day students.
Please note: The registration fee and deposit are non-refundable.
Request a Tour!
Want to know more about Asheville Montessori School?
We love sharing Montessori with parents! Our tours are by appointment only. They normally take place in the morning (at 9:00, 10:00, or 11:00). This allows parents to see children in a work cycle. The tour will last about 45 minutes. It is highly recommended that you bring your child with you so that we can meet each other and your child can see the space!