Happiness Camp 2 – Whole Child Wellness


Please join us for Happiness Camp! Whole Child Wellness ~ yoga, nature, cooking, writing and art!

Ever since I was a child, my mother and I have played a game that involves imagining our perfect days. My version has evolved some over the years, but usually includes fruit and tea, meditation, study and solitude, a walk outside, reading and writing and making art, cooking and eating good food, moving my body, connecting with friends and family, restoring order to my home and getting a good night’s sleep. It includes rest and relaxation and contemplation, as well as meaningful work and relationship. With this in mind, we will practice building beautiful days together: Taking our time, getting outside, coming in to make nourishing food, exploring art and ideas and self-expression. We will read and study; we will break bread and rest. We will engage in meaningful work, practice silence, and offer peace before going our separate ways.

Ms. Brit Leads, Ms. Esta Assists

Date: June 24 – June 28
Cost: $300

WEEK 1 : Jun 23–27

Nature's Palette : Creating with Nature's Treasures


Thinking outside the box of paper!


WEEK 2 : Jul 7–11

Stretch, Play, Namaste!


Music Camp


WEEK 3 : Jul 14–18

Go Wild Camp!


Thinking outside the box of paper!


WEEK 4 : Jul 21–25

Hands On Explorers: A Sensory Discovery Camp


Music Camp

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