Jess Gerson
Lead Teacher

I’m Jess! I immediately fell in love with the Montessori philosophy in 2000 when I became an Assistant Teacher in Michigan. I began my Montessori certification at the Center for Montessori Teacher Education in New York in 2004 where I met my now husband who was also a Montessori teacher and trainer. A year later we moved to Asheville and from 2006-2011 I worked at AMS as a lead teacher, only leaving to have my own children. In 2009 my husband and I opened our own school, Montessori Elementary School of Asheville in Woodfin. We served many families, continuing a close connection to the AMS community until we closed in 2020. Watching my children attend AMS was a magicalexperience, knowing they had such a beautiful Montessori foundation to their education. I always knew I would return to my passion for preschool Montessori and am thrilled to become a member of the AMS community once again!
In my spare time I enjoy hiking, loving on my puppies and kids as well as gardening and cooking super healthy food!